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Your Journey
Wellness Beyond Cancer

If life hands you lemons, open a lemonade stand!
Pink Lemonade
Have you just received a clean bill of health after battling cancer and are confused on what steps to take for your health and wellness? Do you want to regain your strength and vitality and need guidance on how to do so? Have you considered hiring a wellness coach to assess your needs and goals and guide you toward a full holistic approach to wellness? Are you at a loss for what to do next and could benefit by hiring a coach who understands how confusing, uncomfortable and lonely this place can be? Wouldn't it be wonderful to find someone who will inspire, educate, guide, support and keep you accountable to move beyond cancer.  Someone who will work with you to help you design a personalized plan that addresses all aspects of your health, including your body, mind, and spirit. If you are hoping to move into a place where you can take control of your health and make sustainable changes for a healthier and fuller life then it is time to take that journey to wellness beyond cancer.
Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.
j. Lynn

My Services


One on One Wellness Coaching

Welcome to my Beyond Cancer Coaching program!

As a cancer coach, I am dedicated to helping cancer patients and survivors achieve optimal wellness and improve their quality of life. My program is designed to provide personalized support to help you navigate the challenges of cancer and create a healthier, happier life.


Healing Circle

​Welcome to the Beyond Cancer Healing Circle. We are a supportive community dedicated to guiding you through every step of your cancer healing journey.

Our circle is based on a holistic approach to healing, which means we address not just the physical, but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of your well-being.

21 Day Cleanse Beyond.png

Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet can have profound healing results. I have put my cancer in remission for over 11 years by eating this way.

Whole-food, plant-based diets and the right Vegan food can prevent cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis and other chronic diseases that plague our modern day society.

It’s never too late to start eating in a way that supports your health and well-being.

Join me on a personal wellness journey to a new you. Discover for yourself how the 21 Day Wellness Cleanse can transform your life.

If you don’t have time for your health today, you better carve out a lot of time for your illness in the future!



I had the good fortune to participate in Leah’s January 2014 cleanse. I’m primarily a raw vegan but I wanted to experience the cleanse to learn more from her. The vegan lifestyle can be challenging because there is far less clinical research on this diet. What amazes me about Leah is her passion for staying current and informed about the science of the plant-based diet – how it affects us metabolically, physically, mentally, and even spiritually. She has that special ability to communicate this science to both newcomers to veganism and to those of us who have been doing this for some years. Leah is truly a leader and visionary in the vegan wellness arena. It’s always such an honor to be in dialogue with her and to get informed about the latest science updates.


I had been trying to make this change for close to a year and your guidance has been instrumental in my finally achieving success. I can't tell you how happy I am with this change in my eating and how much better I feel. And, that's not all. By incorporating all the other changes, such as dry brushing, meditating (which I am doing more regularly than I used to) and increasing my exercise, my overall mood and sense of well-being has dramatically improved.

I had a my annual physical exam a couple of weeks ago. My internist is really pleased about my diet and lifestyle changes and will be re-checking all my vitals in 3 months with the expectation that we will see good improvement.

Thank you for all the heart, energy, wisdom, and love you bestowed upon all of us in your classes.


Leah is gifted in her ability to gather a community of people truly seeking wellness. As a health care professional I personally took part in Leah’s 21 Day Wellness Cleanse. The food that we ingest in Eastern Medicine is pivotal to long term health. This experience is a great opportunity to encourage my patients to pay more attention to their diet and food choices. One of the incredible benefits I gained from participating on the 21 day cleanse was the improvement on the results of my recent Thermography scan! We need this community of like minded, motivated food and wellness intellectuals.

Kesha Fikes
Somatic Bodyworker & Movement Therapist

Catherine Burns, L. Ac.
Real Health Los Altos, California


Citrus Fruits
About Me
About Me

Hi, my name is Leah Putnam.  I have taken the road less travelled....

In the moments following my cancer diagnosis, I was consumed by a rush of questions. How could this be happening to me? Who should I call? Who should I not call? But the most interesting thought that came to me was, "I don't have time for this." Time is something we all take for granted, something that gives us a sense of control over our lives, something that allows us to plan our lives and achieve our goals. But for me, time had taken on a new meaning, one that was far more pressing than simply dealing with cancer.


I was the owner and operator of a successful fitness studio a wife and mother of twin boys and was an all out advocate for whole foods, and now, I was being forced to revise my life goals and objectives for health reasons. It was a frustrating and confusing experience, as all the things I believed in and advocated for had not protected me from this disease. What went wrong? What should I do now? And what was the best course of action to take, I wondered.


The conventional path for treating cancer - second opinions, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and so on - was laid out before me, but it was not a path that I was willing to take. I was under pressure to decide on a course of action, but I felt that the conventional path was not my truth. I felt that cancer was not a foreign object that had entered my body, but rather a part of me that I had yet to recognize. And so, I set out on a journey that focused on my wellness not my illness, one that would allow me to heal on my own terms.


The journey of acceptance and self-discovery was not an easy one, and it took time for me to come to terms with my diagnosis and fear of the of the unknown. But looking back, I see that my experience with cancer was a blessing in disguise. It allowed me to take a step back from my busy life and reflect on what was truly important to me. It gave me the courage to embrace my truth and to live a life that was true to my values and beliefs.


And so, my journey of healing and wellness continues to this day. I have learned that healing is not just about treating the physical symptoms of illness, but about treating the whole person, body, mind, and spirit. I have become a fierce advocate for alternative treatments and holistic approaches to health and wellness.  My motto is: ‘Focus on Wellness Instead of Illness'. has led me to make a positive impact on others by sharing my journey and advocating for holistic health.  Through my experience and hunger for the truth I have expanded my skillset as a health and wellness advocate and coach to help others on their own path to healing beyond cancer and to take back control of their health. Join me on the road less travelled, the 'Beyond' Cancer Approach to Wellness, and I'll share my simple tools to shift your health and well-being. You will never have to fear your health again.   

Are you ready to put the FOCUS on your WELLNESS, not your illness?

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Beyond Cancer Coach


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